More than one exercise can be done to promote strength and growth in the same area of the body. This is where supplement lifts come into play. Think about supplement lifts as you think about supplements for nutrition. Supplements work when you have the fundamentals in place, but they are not meant to replace those fundamentals.
GST supplement lifts will stray from isolation lifts. I believe in getting the most bang for your buck on each lift you perform during a workout. GST is a not a program that employs a large variety of exercises. Therefore, each exercise must be of value to the program and your goals.
The following lists will provide you with your choices for GST supplement lifts.
1. The Creation of Growth Stimulus Training
2. Growth Stimulus Training and the Masses
3. The Core Concepts of Growth Stimulus Training
4. The Growth Stimulus Training Rundown
7. Core Exercise Rep and Intensity Schemes
9. Supplement Exercise Rep and Set Schemes
10. Training Order and Split Building
11. Explosive Core Exercise Priming
12. Direct Ab Work
14. Active Recovery Complex Training
15. One Growth Stimulus Training Session